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Have you ever vented to a friend, been given advice, agreed and then not taken it? ā€¦ yep me too!

This is because looking for an answer outside of yourself will never work!... The answer is already within you. you are the key!

And this is where PSYCH-KĀ® and I come in. I help guide you to find the answer/ solution. I empower you to be an advocate for yourself - find your needs, your weakness, your strength and where you may be lacking. 

Together we can:

get started

Remove resistance.

Build self-trust, make decisions easier and with more confidence.

Heal unprocessed emotions/ trauma stored in your body.

Strengthen your ability to communicate.

Iā€™ve always felt my journey in life has been about giving and helping others achieve the impossible. 

I certainly know Iā€™m here to provoke, stir things up in a different way and help inspire evaluation. To shed light on stagnate issue, bring energy to help correction and refinement.

I know this energy can create tension as not everyone wishes for their issues to be stirred up - but that is what I love!  I want to support others to accept who they are, shifting the things they wish weren't there and elevating their life to the next level.

I want to become your best buddy, your hype guy, your human that helps you create a life youā€™d rather be living - not the future one you envision one day you'll have.

My ultimate goal in life is to help empower others to live a life according to them! 

Let me guide and empower you to become the best human possible.

Become a positive & happy person.

ready for that feeling?

Release control & the need to do it all.

Feel lighter and calmer in your everyday life - even in ā€˜stressfulā€™ moments.

Achieve your most wildest dreams, remove fear.

Feel energized and full of life!

Build & hold stable relationships with money & love.

Get to Know Me!

I LOVE dogs!! Admittedly I will pick spending time with my beautiful boy Hugo over anyone else. 

Iā€™m 70% introvert - 30% extrovert. I love spending time alone, itā€™s a necessity in my life - itā€™s how I recharge! 

I have an equally sweet and savory tooth. I cannot choose between the 2!

I LOVE the ocean, but dislike swimming in it.
I plan to live near it one day!

Can you keep a secret?.... I am claircognizance - I have a sense of knowing and can predict things before they happen.