I'm ready - let me submit an enquiry!

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Imagine trusting your life is playing out exactly as it's meant to! 

Imagine being able to remain mellow, chilled out whilst your kid is screaming at you for your attention.

Imagine feeling calm with an upcoming deadline approaching. 

Imagine feeling confident and guilt-free saying no to people and the things you donā€™t want to do. 

All of these are possible - you just need help and support for them to become a reality!

submit an Enquiry

Here's what you can expect from working together....

You'll become that person who can see the positive in all situations.

You'll have rock solid relationships with - money, business, love and friendships.

You'll be your own best friend - understand yourself and trust your decisions fully!

You'll heal your traumas, so you don't have to view your life through the filters of your wounds.

Ready to find balance?

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My 1 on 1 sessions are for you to be completely open, for you to discover who you truly are and what you want from life. I support you through the uncomfortable feelings and experiences that are no longer benefiting you. 

I hold space for you to be fully seen, heard and nurtured. I empower you to find your blocks keeping you stuck, limited in your life. You are deserving and capable of receiving so many great things in this world. YOU are the key to your reality! 

What you believe, you can achieve.

The investment: $499 for 4
1:1 sessions

I know youā€™re frustrated.

Take back control of your emotions, triggers, impulses in a healthy way.

Heal past experiences/ traumas stopping you from building pure connectionā€™s.

Align yourself with the passionate and real work you were put on this earth to do.

Remove fear, old ā€˜excusesā€™ and beliefs keeping you stuck.

I know youā€™re sad. I know you feel depleted. Iā€™ve been exactly where you are right now - and itā€™s painfully heavy. I too have ā€œknown betterā€ but still could not shift to a place where I felt continual peace or achieve permanent results. 

Please know that you are not a bad person for feeling these emotions - you are a beautiful human being, experiencing life through a lens that is not yours.
What 'happened' to you is not your fault, but it is your responsibility! 

Build self- trust with yourself again. 





Youā€™re open to trying something new.

You ā€˜clickā€™ with me

Youā€™re ready to level up, own your stuff!

Youā€™re not scared to dive deep into your inner emotions/ traumas.


You've tried everything and nothings has worked!

We're a great fit if....

"I felt a strange but light feeling when working through things with Sarah. I felt calm and at ease after going through the process.

Now a few weeks on, I find my approach to what I worked through with Sarah, is completely different! I am more self aware and understanding of certain things that I perviously wasn't. I cannot wait for our next session. Thank you so much Sarah!

ā€” Marie

Bragging Rights

I am a fully certified PSYCH-KĀ® facilitator, with a background in fitness personal training. My ā€˜officialness sparkleā€™ and professional certifications include:

PSYCH-KĀ® Advanced Integration level

PSYCH-KĀ® Basic level

Cert IV in Fitness

Cert III in Fitness

Female's Specific Nutrition Coach 

What is PSYCH-KĀ®?

Subconscious integration, also known as reprogramming the limiting beliefs stored deep in your subconscious mind (the stuff you have picked up along the way through no fault of your own) - to something you want to believe to be true instead. 

How long does it last?

A lifetime. Once we balance, reprogram a belief it is complete - we donā€™t need to address it again. This work is quite literally life changing stuff! On the very rare occasion beliefs can resurface, which simply means we havenā€™t dug deep enough to the root cause, or it has an attachment to another belief that needs addressing also.

Will I get the same results in an online session, like I would in person?

YES. An online session requires me to be a ā€˜surrogateā€™ for you in order to complete the balance process. Think of when you need an IT guru to tap into your computer remotely to fix an issue - that is essentially what I do for you. Of course I must first gain permission from your subconscious to complete this type of session. 

What are some examples of things I can change?

Anything that holds an emotional charge / a lot of stress:
  • Mum guilt
  • Past triggers, impulsive and reactive responses
  • Relationship recurring issues like codependency 
  • Unhealthy habits eg: smoking, binge eating
  • Death, loss
  • Breakups, divorce
  • Weight loss struggles
  • Business / work related issues
  • Money issues
  • Energy levels

What are some of the benefits I will gain from a PSYCH-KĀ® session?

  • Become less reactive
  • Build self-trust
  • Feel lighter, peaceful and content
  • Acceptance
  • Abundance in all the things - money, love, worth etc
  • Create and hold stable relationships
  • Heal past traumatic events
  • Confidence
  • Clear knowing
  • Pure joy!
Anything you want to feel, you will!


Why canā€™t I book just 1 session?

I truly believe 1 session isnā€™t enough (through personal experience) - it barely touches the surface. Think of ALL the years you have been open to receiving ā€˜ideas/ beliefsā€™ that arenā€™t yours. Thatā€™s a lot to unravel in a 1hr session! You are of course free to choose the distance between each session. Some clients prefer every 2nd week, once a month, or they will reach out when something in their life is occurring and wish to resolve it asap.

Submit an enquiry

 I BELIEVE ON SOME LEVEL YOU ALREADY understand - that ā€˜positive thinkingā€™ isn't enough to create permanent change. you're here searching for something to work!

WEll you've found it..