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Ranging from healing unprocessed trauma stored in the body, self-esteem issues, health and body issues, financial abundance, relationships or career/ life goals.

 The journey I take you on, will be like no other.
Your mind is a powerful thing - you are ONLY limited by what your mind believes. 

With the use of PSYCH-KĀ®,

 I support and help my clients transform their lives from what they 'don't' want - to what they 'do' want!

Together we identify, heal and transform! 

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Choose Your Adventure

1:1 Balance Session

feel seen, heard and understood. an entire 1hour focused fully on you and your needs.

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Release 'mum guilt'.

Become non-attached to the things you cannot control.

Gain self-worth, confidence.

The Key to Me!

This free guide will unlock things about yourself you feel to be true, but donā€™t quite understand why. 

get the guide

Discover your hidden gifts.

Feel seen and fully understood.

Learn tricks and tips on how you best operate in the world.

Strengthen your relationship with money.

Understand yourself better.

Iā€™ve always felt misunderstood, as I never wanted to do life the ā€˜normalā€™ way. I believe part of my journey is to show different is more then ok!
We can create our own journeys how we see fit, there is no one size fits all. 

My ultimate goal in life is to help empower others to live a life according to them - changing the energy and uplifting people to their truest potential. 

I have experienced both mental & physical shifts and seen my life change for the better since using the modality of PSYCH-KĀ®. I am no longer trapped by my past experiences, nor believe the limiting beliefs forced upon me. But the biggest shift I felt was fully processing and moving through the heart breaking grief of losing my older brother. PSYCH-KĀ® gave me permission to feel and see all sides of my grief, it removed things in order for me to continue living my life fully!

My Story

Hi hey hello, I'm Sarah!

A mini mixed bag of goodies. A firecracker, strong willed, provoking - yet sensitive, empathic and a kind hearted gal!

Love Notes

ā€” Laura

"It's been a few weeks since my first Psych - K session with Sarah and I have already started to notice changes and a shift in my energy and how I respond to certain situations. I finished the session feeling lighter and more confident. Sarah held space for me during our session and guided me at each step, allowing me to feel safe during the entire process. The whole experience was easy and painless and if you open yourself up to it, it can be life changing. I look forward to continuing to work with Sarah."


ā€” Kasey


ā€” Tyler

WOW. I had no idea what to expect but went in with an open mind. Iā€™ve never been good at getting in touch with my own feelings, and I think this experience worked for me because thatā€™s exactly what I had to do. Guided by Sarah, I was given the headspace to bring up some unpleasant thoughts/experiences and then instantly shift my mind to look at these in a more positive way. I could feel myself taking back power. I felt weight lifted off my shoulders and in more control. Later that night I was laughing at my brother so much that I was in tears, I cannot remember the last time this happened. I truly cannot thank Sarah enough!


After only a couple of sessions with Sarah, I felt and saw massive changes in myself. The feeling I got straight after a session was really amazing! It was as if a weight had been lifted from my body and I now feel more confident with the decisions I make for my business and for myself. 
Sarah made me feel comfortable, relaxed and at ease when discussing areas of my life that needed clearing and balancing. 
If you are considering booking a session with Sarah then DO IT! It is something that you will be very thankful for.

The Key to Me!


Feel understood.

Gain insight and tips on HOW you best operate in life. 

Discover how your energy works - when you need to rest/stop and what you have energy for.

Understand why itā€™s ok to be different!

I want to invite you to answer these questions. This is a time to be really honest with yourself. 

Do you struggle to say no to people?

Do you worry about other people's opinions?

Do you regularly experience stress or anxiety?

Are you afraid to let go of control?

Would you like to experience abundance in - money, love and worth?

Would you like to understand your emotions and love yourself fully?

If you answered "YES" to any or multiple of the above questions, the next step requires a commitment and investment from you.

If youā€™re ready to take control and create a life you love - I want to chat to you!

Submit an enquiry

Unfortunately ā€˜knowing betterā€™ isnā€™t enough to create the change you're wanting.